
Customer Testimonials

"Very professional, efficient, and honest. John was very quick to reply back to me and had my fence installed within days of me making the decision to do it. Very satisfied with the service I received."
8/17/2016 - Robyn H.

"I purchased a secondhand pool fence and was planning on installing it myself. After researching online the needed rental equipment and time it would take, I decided to look into the possibility of having someone else install it.

After a quick online search I found John Murphy with Baby Guard. John laid out and installed the entire fence in an afternoon. He pieced together the old fence I had and was able to safely protect our pool. He even advised that the gates I had were substandard and unsafe. He gave me a great price to install new gates that he had. (He had to go back to Oceanside to get them, just to finish that day - great service!) In the end, his price was not that much more than I would have spent on install materials and equipment rentals!

John really cares about providing a safe install to protect children from any unfortunate accidents. If I ever need another fence to be installed, I'll be calling John. Don't hesitate to give him a call!"
7/12/2016 - Scott D.

"Our toddler grandson is coming to visit in a couple of weeks and we were nervous about the unlimited access to our pool. John was extremely prompt in responding to my email and providing an estimate based on some rough dimensions I provided. He was able to fit us in his schedule just a few days later. He obviously has a great understanding of his product and provided some great recommendations. He came when he said he would, ready to go to work. The fence looks great, the material is good quality, and the end result is quite sturdy (making our back yard a little more safe for those little ones). The fence is a black mesh and is easily removable once the grandkids are old enough (or we just want to take it down in between grandchild visits). I would definitely recommend John and Baby Guard Pool Fence. We could not be happier."
7/11/2016 - Robert S.

"John came out for a free estimate the day after I called. He was able to show me the product, and offered great suggestions for my odd shaped pool. I am so happy with the installation, it looks great and the fence is very secure. I also liked that he was the owner and operator, so it was nice not to have to deal with different people. I could tell right away he installed many fences, and he took great pride in his work. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone with a pool."
6/21/2016 - Jessica K.